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  • Santa Ionut

Table turn! Anger is useful.

Hear me out: Anger is a motivation, without purpose 😡 - Master Yi (yeah that master Yi)

Look, I’ve learned something in the past year, and that thing is that you can’t only run/function on anger.

Let me reframe it a bit: If you take an old enough car, you will find that you can run it on burned cooking oil.

Can you believe that?

It really is going to work! (trust me, I’m from Romania and I know a guy)

Cool, innit?

But for how long?

Well, not so long - at some point the engine will start to deteriorate and finally to brake down.

You are the engine and the cooking oil is anger.

This type of fuel is very good to start or boost yourself (not the car) but not to constantly run on it because, at some point (which will be pretty early ) it will just start to catch you from behind and to affect you in negative ways.

Let me put this anger thing in some other context:

🔗 Angry at your boss? Use that anger to help yourself sit down and build your resume.

🔗 Angry at the limitations of these jobs out there? Use that anger to make yourself plan the startup of a personal company.

🔗 Angry at your partner? Use anger to overcome the inner blockage that stops you from having the necessary conversation with your partner.

See the pattern?

Use anger to help you start moving, not to be your reason of moving.

And btw, “showing them” is pretty anger based tho.

Not one soul on Earth, except your own, needs proof that you can.


Yes you can make your mother / sister/ partner / etc. proud, but it shouldn’t be a requirement to prove anything to anyone.

You only need to prove yourself that you are capable and you can do it.

You only need yourself to crazily believe in your potential.

Every fail was your fault, but at the same time every SUCCESS was DUE TO YOU.

You kept yourself going, you healed yourself, you patted yourself on your own back when things got rough.

Give yourself some credit.


Get advantage of the anger, use it smart, use it in a healthy way.


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