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  • Santa Ionut

WTH is going on??

In today's youth, confusion and despair can strike at any moment.

In our fast-paced world, being young sometimes feels like wandering through an endless maze of confusion and doubt.

I think these feelings come from a place of fear.

Nothing is certain, even though everyone on the Internet and in real life pretends to have the answer. You search for answers only to find that there is a different answer to the same question almost every time.

I've talked to some people older and smarter than me. After some discussion, we came to the same conclusion: The world has changed a lot, and neither I nor they really know how to deal with it.

The bad part: It really is confusing and hard nowadays for the young generation. 
The good part: You are not alone in this. - Cliché, I know, but it’s true.

It's okay not to know exactly where you're going, and it's okay not to know exactly how to get there.

Nobody knew in their 20s, okay? 95% of them at least. 

I think it's necessary to have a general idea of what you want to do with your life, but not to be obsessed with one specific thing. 

For example, I recently talked to a friend who wanted to be a surgeon since high school, and after 4 years of medical school, that changed. 

I mean, sure, she will still be a doctor, but not a surgeon. But she is still working hard for it, even though it is not 100% what she originally wanted.

Things change and we have to change too.

Please talk to someone, get things out off your chest. Find the most trustworthy person you can, someone from your family, a friend, a colleague, a stranger, or even the cleaning staff at your work or school (and I mean this, some of these people are just so smart and so awesome to talk to).

Either way go talk to somebody, tell them a bit about your confusion and fear. Maybe not in details every time, but go vent a bit, it will help.

Stay on your path, stay creative, stay strong folks!⚡️

P.S: This is an image of me from 4 years ago, when I went for a walk to clear my head because I was very very stressed about what I'm gonna do in life. I was in the first year of Civil Engineering at univeristy.


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