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Gabi is a passionate fisherman who practices the catch and release method, where he releases the fish he catches back into the water.

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Objective of the Brand: Gabi, was looking for a personalized logo that embodied his passion. He desired to incorporate both his name and the initials C&R (representing catch and release) into the logo, which aims to reflect his commitment to conservation while capturing his identity as an angler.

Our task: to design a logo that resonated with Gabi and his passion.


Process of Creation

• Sketching: We started by sketching various ideas on paper, experimenting with fonts, styles, and incorporating the words Gabi and C&R. An idea was quickly embraced by the client.

Refining: We refined the logo based on the client input, making adjustments to resemble a fish, such as enlarging the 'G' for a fish head and manipulating 'B' and 'I' to create a fish fin.

Outlining: We created two types of outlines for flexibility - one following the letter shapes and another resembling a fish shape.

Coloring: We selected fishing and nature-inspired colors like blue, green, orange, and yellow, creating harmonious combinations for the client to choose from.

Project brief.

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