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DJ Missing Link

DJ Missing Link

Based in Cluj Napoca, Missing Link is a standout Electronic Music DJ renowned for electrifying performances that captivate audiences with pulsating beats and unmatched talent.

Get to know the client.

"It was my first project that required a design and I am so glad I chose them. The whole collaboration was a really cool and engaging experience. I especially appreciated that although I had no exact vision for the final look, through constant updating, communication and iterating, we arrived there and I can't see it any differently now."

George aka DJ Missing Link

Objective of the Brand: to design a distinctive logo mark that will enhance the promotional efforts and serve as a recognizable symbol

Our task: to design a logo that resonated with House of Gods' target audience while encapsulating the brand's essence.


Process of Creation

Brainstorming and Sketching: We explored various concepts and sketched multiple ideas to find the perfect balance between the requested elements.

We systematically constructed the logo structure, gradually integrating each element for maximum impact.

Project brief.

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